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Tommy Recovery Coaching

Does Having One Beer Mean Breaking Sobriety?

In the 2019 country music hit “One Beer” by Hardy, the protagonist’s life gets turned upside down, complete with an unwanted pregnancy and a shotgun wedding, after drinking a single Bud Light. Approximately 15 years before Hardy, underground rapper MF DOOM released a song with the same name, but the consequences were different because the beer in question was the prize for reducing rival MCs to shame with his lyrical prowess. Let’s use the contrast between these two songs to understand the scenario of someone in recovery drinking a beer.

Drinking One Beer vs. Craving Many Beers

While it may be tempting to assume that Hardy’s “One Beer” fits more easily into the context of addiction recovery, the reality is more complex. Drinking one beer would break sobriety if the individual in recovery struggles with the concept of moderation. In other words, if you feel highly susceptible to cravings triggered by a single drink, there’s a chance it may become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you were a heavy drinker, the physical and psychoactive effects of one beer are unlikely to derail your journey to recovery. However, the effect may trigger cravings, which is the real problem.

Abstinence & Sobriety Aren’t the Same

MF DOOM’s celebratory beer is a reward for self-control and mastery. In Hardy’s song, the beer represents a lapse in judgment and a loss of control. Daniel Dumile, the man behind the MF DOOM mask, was an alcoholic who fell off the wagon a couple of times before doctors told him severe kidney disease was lurking. His friends remember how he used to celebrate freestyle battle victories with one beer, which he only took a few sips of before throwing away the rest. Dumile’s sense of accomplishment and self-worth were his tools to maintain sobriety. He wasn’t abstinent, but he relied on his music career to keep him sober.

One Beer Is More Likely a Lapse than a Relapse

Even for people whose recovery style hinges upon strict abstinence, drinking one beer for any reason would be a lapse instead of a relapse. Recovery counselors don’t want patients to lapse, but years of research on addiction recovery indicates most will at some point. A relapse, on the other hand, is when you start drinking or using with the frequency that landed you in recovery. As long as you can acknowledge the lapse and recommit to sobriety, one beer isn’t going to be an issue.

When One Beer Turns into a Problem

Although “One Beer” by Hardy doesn’t state whether the protagonist was in recovery, it’s assumed he relapsed right into turmoil. He may have known a bottle or can of Bud Light would cause him to relapse, but he didn’t have anyone to turn to when it happened. 

In the Alcoholics Anonymous fellowship, people are urged to contact their sponsors or call helplines to deal with such thoughts. Others turn to recovery coach services in Encinitas because they fear abstinence won’t keep them completely away from the bottle. In some cases, painful second-guessing, guilt, and self-doubt can turn into unhealthy cravings. This is when a single beer can spiral into a major problem, but it’s not unavoidable, and it can always be alleviated.

For residents of Encinitas, CA, recovery and sobriety can be easier to maintain with the help of a sober lifestyle coach. At Sober Lifestyle Coaching, we know precisely what it takes to get sober, stay sober, and live the healthy lifestyle you deserve. We specialize in working with clients with active addictions as well as clients already in recovery. Our sober coaches help clients work through potentially challenging events, such as going to work and attending family gatherings, while providing encouragement, accountability, insight, and understanding through our own recovery experiences. To learn more about how a sober lifestyle coach can help you or someone you love, call us today.

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